Jesus was truly man and truly God. We believe that nature of Christ was one of duality but were never mixed.
Therefore, when Jesus was a man, he was fully man like you and I. The only difference was he did not take on a fallen nature because he was not born of man and women. So he had every chance and physical ability to sin and do all the other things we do but not the moral ability to do so.
So to answer the question directly, Jesus did and does have a penis of course. But Jesus himself in the trinity represents the word of God. So God as a whole combined I would argue does not have a penis. But Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us to carry out his mission as a man.
Now he is in heaven Jesus has a different body. It is imperishable and new. So the processes our bodies go through on Earth are completely different to what they would be doing in Heaven. So I can not answer if our heavenly bodies would have sexual organs.
However, the Bible does give an indication that it would not. It says that there will be no marriage in heaven, so I guess no sex. Therefore, why would we need sexual organs?