
What We Should Tell Young People about Wealth

Tavian Jean-Pierre


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Now more than ever, young people feel the pressure to become wealthy. One good thing I have to say about my generation is that they are very entrepreneurial. They have a spirit that pushes them to create the world they want to see.

Although this mindset has its negatives, there is hope for the future. Young people are taking advantage of the platforms available to voice their opinions and create for others. In doing so, they have also influenced many of their peers and even older generations.

I have not spoken to one young person who does not have some entrepreneurial goal in mind. Their ideal jobs are creating value for others and building wealth in a way that they find enjoyable.

However, this wonderful spirit can also lead to pitfalls. There is a lot of false information on the web, and the pressure to succeed can often cause young individuals to make rash decisions.

I am a gen-Z myself, so I understand the desire to create something that is your own. But so do many cunning individuals and misinformed entrepreneurs who tell you they can help you along the way.

Not only are we the generation of creators, but we are also the generation of false information. There are people out there telling you that joining their one-week program will make you a millionaire.

It sounds silly when written in black and white like this. But we all know it sounds convincing in adverts and youtube videos. So, in a world of much false information, what should we tell young people with a desire to become wealthy.

In this article, I will discuss the three things I have learned on my own journey that I wish I was told before.

1. Be Sceptical of All Advice

Most people mean no harm when they give you advice about wealth and growing money. Although we know there are people giving nonsense advice, for the most part, people are genuine.

One of the first bits of advice I received was from my parents. And all they told me to do was buy a house and pay it off as soon as possible. They wanted the best for me, and I followed their advice for years. I would save as much as I could every month and…



Tavian Jean-Pierre

Founder of the Better Conversations Podcast | Challenging the status quo to shape a better future | Producing insights on the natural risks that face our planet