You would like to think that as society has progressed women would be less praised for upholding beauty standards and more praised for their achievements in progressing society.
It appears to me that men have only become more materialistic over time, and despite women becoming more educated and adding more value in the workforce. These standards are still pressed on them to look visually appealing. And the great achievements no longer appeal to us.
Unfortunately, other women play into it aswell with gossip and bickering amongst eachother. It appears that a vast majority of women still value their bodies and the way they look over real value added that they have the opportunity to give now. And social media has only heightened that with the ability to post and show the world how good you look.
Mainstream media is to blame for the most part, as they continue to force these pressures on women by sticking attractive women and men in our faces all the time. They do this through algorithms.
However, this could also point to a deeper problem within us all. As the trend is on the rise not on the fall. And there is money to be made.